Friday, June 6, 2008

Happy National Day!

Today is Sweden's National Day, and since the Spok-spoks are from Sweden, we thought we'd celebrate this by sharing this video with you. This is where the Spok-spoks (and their creator) grew up.

In other news, a new batch of Spok-spok and Spokelinas will soon go into production. We have a new manufacturer, and decided to make some small changes to the characters.

Spok-spok's mouth is less smiley, and Spokelina's stars are a bit more symmetrical. Those are pretty much the only changes, and we're very happy with the samples and the new manufacturer.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy National day!

Marie Reed said...

Here is a bit of cyber champagne. Hooray for Sweden and Spok - Spok!